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Mechikabura & Aios

Known as the Dark King, Mechikabura is an evil entity from the Demon Realm. He was revived by Towa using energy stolen from strong people; however, his body is old and he cannot move well. Towa tells him to use the Dark Dragon Balls to wish for youth so that he can take revenge on Chronoa; however, the Dark Dragon Balls scatter. Mechikabura notices one of them as it heads away, crossing space and time. Towa decides to go and get it, but Mechikabura tells her to wait, deciding to grant her Demon God powers first.

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Shroom & Salsa

Demon God Shroom is a Demon God of the Dark Empire who serves Mechikabura. Shroom is the Dark Empire's god of death, and is thus a grim reaper. Salsa, alternatively known as Demon God Salsa is a Demon God of the Dark Empire who serves Mechikabura.

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Known as Dark Broly, after being corrupted, is an incarnation of Broly from a world separate to the main timeline who is a member of the Dark Empire. Broly Dark is only ever shown in his Super Saiyan 4 state. Along with this, Broly is also wearing the Time Breaker Mask and is infused with the Seven-Star Dark Dragon Ball. His outfit is identical to his original counterpart's attire, with only the colors changed. His wristbands and boots are black, along with his sash. Along with this change, he wears dark teal pants. Broly is full of rage and seems to hate Goku. However, possibly due to being controlled he is much less talkative, only shown to yell "Kakarot!" several times in anger. Xeno Paragus is an incarnation of Paragus from a world separate to the main timeline who is a member of the Dark Empire. Paragus is shown to be wearing a black Battle Armor, with green under the chest component. He wears a black undershirt, a red cape, and red gloves. Noticeably, his eyes are now bloodshot and he wears a variant of the Time Breaker mind control mask shaped as his eye patch. Unlike Xeno Bardock, Xeno Paragus is pure evil and happy to serve Mechikabura. Xeno Paragus finds Dark Broly asleep in the depths of Hell, and places a Time Breaker mask on him.

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Prince Beelzebub

Beelzebub is the son of Dabura and heir to the Demon Realm. Though he is heir to the Demon Realm, Prince has no interest in his father's war with the Kaioshin and universal destruction. Beelzebub is renowned as the "Prince of the Underworld," but generally referred to only as "Prince" by his friends. He lives in Sand Land, a barren wasteland inhabited by humans and demons where the supply of water is controlled by a greedy human king. Beelzebub tries to live in relative harmony with the humans: although he regularly steals water from them, he only takes as much as he and his fellow demons need to survive. Sandland is a desert located between the Demon Realm and Earth. Beelzebub is weaker than his dad but stronger than most humans.

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Dabura & Melee

Dabura is the King of the Demon realm and Melee, a Makaioshin is his queen. They are Prince Beelzebub's parents and rulers of all demons. Dabura is also Towa's brother and thereby uncle of Towa's daughter, Kali and her son, Fu.

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Cell & Hunyduu

Cell, the reformed warrior and Hunyduu, the Farmer's daughter.

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Fen, Zen & Wairu

The triplet children and naturally first-borns of Zamasu and Shin Ae, they hailed from the future, wielding powers greater than a super Saiyan God's to finish the job they felt their father never completed; eliminating all mortals to end evil. They faced King Vegeta IV and his allies but were eventually defeated. They repented and returned to their time.

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Kuriza & Cooler

Kuriza is the son of Frieza in Universe 13. He is crueler than his father and prefers his grandparents than his father who he views as weak for his relationship with the saiyans, particularly Anise. Cooler is Frieza's older brother and Kuriza's uncle. He is not as evil as Kuriza, but he also dislikes Frieza for having a soft spot for the saiyans.

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Jeice & Inari

A senior member of the Ginyu Force, Jeice is a powerful and energetic warrior. Very loyal to Captain Ginyu and Frieza, he recruited Inari, the fastest warrior in the galaxy he had seen since Burter. Jeice and Inari quickly fell for each other and became romantically involved, something Ginyu disapproved of at first, but had to put up with under condition they'd never "smooch" on mission.

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Fu & Robelu

The son of Towa and Miira, Fu is a powerful warrior from the future who wishes to experiment on the most powerful warriors of the multiverse for his own nefarious means. He formed an alliance with his mother Towa, upon reuniting with her, hoping to sway her back to her old evil scientist ways despite her new relationship with Bojack. Fu was raised by Miira in the future and Choka, but wishes he had been raised by Towa and idolizes his mother for her power and brains.

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Demigra & Pultine

Demigra has what can best be described as a god complex, possessing an unshakable belief that he is an almighty god who deserves to rule all of time and the universe, refusing to be bound by the Laws of the Universe nor yield to the true ruler/guardian of time and space, the Supreme Kai of Time, as he believes himself to be more deserving of that role than her. As a result, he is proud, arrogant, self-assured, and enjoys toying with his enemies. Despite admitting he is a Demon (as he calls himself the Demon God), he truly believes and insists he is a divine god.

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Stroganuv & Lettice

Saiyan Elites and parents to Daikon and Delita, their children were betrothed to Prince Vegeta and Princess Veggie. Stroganuv is credited as being the first Saiyan to militarize the Saiyan race into ranks, from elites to low-class.

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Xeno Goku Black & Majin 21

Goku Black is a future version of Zamasu who stole Goku's body with the wish from the Super Dragon Balls. Majin 21 is the first of her kind--an android made by Dr. Gero possessing the cells of Majin Buu.

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Formerly one of Frieza's highest-ranking henchmen, Zarbon helped train Veggie as Queen Cold raised her, an even became enamored with the young Saiyan Princess. During the Frieza-Saiyan Wars of the latest age, Zarbon fought and was defeated by Prince Vegeta, but spared at Veggie's behest. Zarbon disappeared following Frieza's death at the hands of Goku.

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Vegeta Black

Originally Kaioshin Roh of Universe 9 who went on to defeat King Vegeta IV and rule over New Planet Vegeta for a brief time before he was defeated by Revan, the new Vegeta Black is Janus from the Kingdom of Zeal. He has stolen the saiyan's body in another timeline in order to quell the saiyan threat by fighting fire with fire. How he managed to place his mind in Vegeta's body remains a mystery.

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King Kassavan

King Kassavan was the last king of the planet Konats and a powerful warrior himself, even stronger than The Great Konatsian Wizard, Tapion's mentor and the hero who defeated Hirudegarn, who even Tpion could not defeat without help of Goku and the Saiyans. He disappeared some time before Hirudegarn's return, and was never again seen by the people of Konats. To Tapion, he is a mere legend.

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Cirrus was the first member to join the Time Patrol and is also known as "The Fearsome Enforcer of Justice." Cirrus is a master martial artist, especially with the utilization of his staff as a weapon. He is calm, serious, focused, and a firm believer in "justice"; long ago when he first joined the Time Patrol, he witnessed the destruction Kid Buu had left in his wake and opted for them to take the Majin down right away (which basically puts him at odds with Chronoa). Years later, he betrayed Chronoa and tried to take over the Time Nest, only to fail. Against Chronoa, he and Ahms showed no qualms about killing young children if it meant achieving his goals. Cirrus isn't one to care about personal pride as a warrior, finding the notion itself as trivial - meaning that he has no problem taking shortcuts in order to achieve his goals. He also openly displays confidence in Ahms abilities, talking down to anyone, including Gods.

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Moro destroyed the Iragi Star System and brought about mass extinction on 320 planets. During his fight with the Daikaioh and the South Supreme Kai, Moro used his magic to pelt the Supreme Kais with comets. Upon absorbing life energy from a nearby planet, Moro condenses the energy into a ball and eats it causing his strength to grow even further. Ultimately the Daikaioh uses up all of his god powers and successfully seals away Moro's magic where he is then imprisoned by the Galactic Police. He is sentenced to death but nobody is strong enough to end his life and so he stayed locked away for the next 10 million years.

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Hearts & Lagss

Sole survivor of the extinct 'glass people,' Lagss possesses 'glassification,' the ability to turn targets to glass, and 'Glass Generation,' the ability to create glass at will. Due to being raised in harsh environments from the time she was young because of her unique gifts, although she may not look it, she possesses immensely high battle strength.

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Gohan Black & Cocoa Amaguri


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Shun Shun & Haru Haru

Haru Haru is a female Majin and high-ranking warrior in the Dark Empire. Despite being a Majin, she is very intelligent and possesses great tactical skills, using her mind rather than power to out-think her enemies. Shun Shun is her twin sister and every bit as intelligent and powerful. Like her twin sister, Shun Shun is an evil female Majin and member of the Time Breakers. However she relies more on her superior offensive capabilities than her sister who relies on her tactical skills due to her offensive capabilities being weaker than Shun Shun's. She has a bad relationship with her sister despite both being members of the Time Breakers. They often fight together as a team similar to the brothers Frieza and Cooler who are also known to have a bad relationship, though are capable of working together. Despite being twins, Haru Haru and Shun Shun can be seen as polar opposites as they wield opposing opposing elements through Haru Haru's Volcano Bomb and Shun Shun's Blizzard Bomb.

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Prince Plantain

The first prince of Planet Sadala, Plantain is a proud and powerful warrior dating back to the original super Saiyan Gods of Planet Sadala in Universe 13. After Yamoshi sacrificed himself to defeat Nori, Giblet, and Cumber, the original evil super Saiyans, Plantain led Pitaya, Citron, Durian, and Romanes into outer space in search for a new home world. His great grandson, King Vegeta the 1st went on to settle permanently on New Vegeta while Plantain and his comrades were lost in time, in constant search for new power as they trained while traveling the galaxies for eons. They eventually returned to the North Galaxy where they came in contact with King Vegeta VI on Earth, and his New Planet Vegeta. Plantain was eventually defeated by his descendant and went into self-imposed exile among the stars.

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Female Ginyu Force Member


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Bryony Black & Black


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Kamin & Oren

Kamin is an artificial life form from Universe 6, and the twin sister of Oren. She is a member of the Core Area Warriors and one of the main antagonists of the Universe 13. Kamin is a violent individual. Like her brother, she appears to have a lot of fun during her battles, wanting to fight against strong opponents. Kamin and Oren were created by the Tuffles of Universe 6 to be the ultimate artificial beings, however they were too strong and so the mortals tried to destroy them. Oren and Kamin were enraged by this and so decided to wipe them out. They were eventually imprisoned in the Prison Planet's Core Area where they met and allied with the other warriors there.

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Trunks Black


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Prince Plantain's best friend and his right hand man, he is Goku's ancestor and spent centuries traveling the universe and training with Plantain to become super Saiyan Gods. He battled his descendants, Bardock and Goku and lost in battle to them when he and Plantain came in conflict with Earth and New Vegeta's Saiyans. He has since evolved and discovered a new form beyond super Saiyan, combining the powers of Ultra Instinct and super Saiyan 4, or as he calls it, "super Saiyan 5."

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Android 22 & Dr. Hiki

Android 22 was created by Dr. Hiki in Universe 5 and battled Super Android 18 and King Trunks before her defeat. Dr. Hiki was Dr. Gero's rival and eventually stole many of his blueprints and designs to create new Cyborgs. He eventually created a new Android body for himself.

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Android 31

Android 31 is Dr. Hiki's greatest creation, and his mate. She is also a powerful android, though she has not seen much serious combat outside of sparring.

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Dark King Vegeta


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