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Age 733

Inside Muscle Tower, Dr. Gero stood outside the nursery looking inside through the glass window at his newborn son. His hands were stuffed into his brown suit pant’s pocket and his long dark hair tied back. Dr. Flappe approached Gero from behind, fixed his glasses and looked at Gero, “congratulations, how is your wife doing?”

Dr. Gero looked at his colleague and saw the cigar he was offering him. “Fine, resting,” Gero said taking the cigar and tucked it inside of his breast pocket.

“And what name did you choose for the little tike?” said Flappe.

“We haven’t spoken yet, she was very tired… she wants him to enlist in the army, so probably something strong, my son will be a powerful man,” Gero said, his chest filling with an air of pride.

“Ah, a young soldier, you think he’ll take up after his parents’ genius too?” said Dr. Flappe, arching an eyebrow as he eyed Gero.

“Time will tell… I cannot wait until we continue our research, we are on the cusp of unlocking the full potential of human ingenuity… one day, even my beautiful wife will grow old, and die, as will I, but not if we become immortal,” Gero said as Flappe blinked.

“Immortal…?” said Flappe.

Gero nodded, “it is within our grasp, her genius and mine combined, we are close, and my son will never die, he will be immortal, as will be the entire human race one day, free of disease, famine, and pain.”

Dr. Flappe smiled weakly as he looked at the newborn baby with soft red hair like Gero’s ambitions were the innocent ramblings of a man whose vision exceeded even his great genius. “For now, I will settle for robots, old friend,” Flappe chuckled, patting Gero on the back and turned as he heard giggling, and saw two children, one blonde girl and a dark-haired boy hiding behind a large potted plant in the lobby.

Gero felt his back being pelted, turned around and looked down at the floor to see a raisin. He looked to where Dr. Flappe was looking, saw the two brats giggle and run away and narrowed his eyes, “who are those disrespectful brats?”

Dr. Flappe glanced back to Gero, saw the anger in his eyes and shook his head, “General White’s children. You really should work on your temper. One day your baby will be their age, and if they have to be here all the time, they’ll likely get bored and pelt you with raisins as well,” Dr. Flappe said as he vanished into the dimly lit hallway of the hospital wing of Muscle Tower.

Gero scoffed and made his way to his wife’s room, and made his way inside where he found her fast asleep, resting from giving birth to their son. Gero sat down on the edge of her bed beside her, and brushed his hand through her long beautiful red hair. He saw her glasses resting on the dresser beside the bed along with her notebook and smirked, picking it up and flipped through the pages; there were notes on blue prints for potentially 12 androids. Androids #17 and #18 it was suggested they go younger on the human subjects, his wife’s words “two young disrespectful punks.” Gero smirked and looked at his resting wife, grabbed her hand and kissed it before stuffing her notebook into his side pocket, and got up to return to the lab to finish Android 8 with Dr. Flappe.

20 years later…

Muscle Tower was left in flames after Goku annihilated the Red Ribbon Army. “A kid with a monkey tail… single-handedly defeated the greatest army on Earth, how?” Dr. Gero said, his age showing some grey hairs in his dark hair as he stood in his suit and white lab coat which displayed the burns and tears of having barely escaped Muscle Tower’s destruction. In his hand he clasped the worn out notebook as he glanced back to the wrecked capsules; his and his wife’s work, destroyed.

As Gero walked among the wreckage of flaming tanks, bullet cases and dead bodies, the smoke inhalation started to wear him down until he spotted a young soldier sporting a red mohawk lying face first in the mud, his dead hand clasping a machine gun. Gero froze and felt his body growing numb.

“Gero…?” said Gero’s wife as she walked out of Muscle Tower’s ruins, fanning the smoke away from her face as she coughed, caught sight of her husband, and gasped in terror, her hand shaking and her glasses sliding down the bridge of her nose as her blue eyes filled with terror at seeing her dead son's body.

Months later, Gero stood in a laboratory over a capsule wherein his dead wife lay preserved in cryogenic suspension. He tinkered away on an android body while peeking out at a small TV where he saw the name of the new World Martial Arts Champion flashing on the screen; Goku… he bore a striking resemblance to the boy that took everything from him; his dream, his job, his son, and his wife who died from the grief and guilt of having lost their son to the war with a monkey boy, but this Goku would soon learn that revenge was a dish best served cold.

The aging Gero brushed his fingers over his wife’s capsule, freezing to the touch and smirked as he loosened is neck tie and tore it off.

“May 12th, around 10AM, on an island 9 kilometers southwest from South City…”

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32 years ago.


Frieza entered a laboratory flanked by Zarbon and Dodoria, and found his cousin, Dr. Zero, standing before 5 containment vessels with 5 babies inside, saiyans as indicative as their tail. “What is the progress report, doctor?” Frieza said. “They were born with a power level of 10,000,” Zero said smirking. “Excellent… higher than even King Vegeta’s, and they are merely babies,” Frieza mused with a coy smile. “Pardon, Lord Frieza… but if you fear—“Zarbon’s inquiry earned a glare from Frieza and Zarbon quickly gulped and shook his head, “I mean, if the rumors are true regarding the legendary super saiyan, why would you be genetically engineering saiyans this powerful? If they are this strong as babies, how strong will they be as adults?” Frieza narrowed his eyes, “I am manufacturing my own super saiyans as a fail safe plan should a super saiyan ever naturally rise from the lot, I will have my own small army of genetically enhanced super saiyans to kill that super saiyan.” Dodoria arched an eyebrow, “what will keep them from turning on you?” Dodoria said looking at the babies as Zarbon eyed the saiyan babies in the test tubes, and saw two had blue hair. “They will be raised to be completely obedient to Lord Frieza, brainwashed and inherently and undeniably taught that Frieza is their Lord.” Frieza smirked, “and should they ever rebel, I’ll kill them,” Frieza said walking away as Dodoria and Zarbon lagged a step or two behind, eyeing the test tube saiyan babies before rushing after Frieza. Doctor Zero smirked, and approached the containment vessels, brushing his hand over the clipboard that identified the most powerful of them; Zhaj.


Three weeks later, Lord Zero sat in his chair as a young saiyan boy of 6 years of age entered a gravity room. The boy had blue hair, a blue tail, black eyes, and wore yellow and dark grey saiyan armor with dark grey tights. Opposite him entered another genetically-enhanced saiyan boy, of silver hair and silver eyes, wearing black saiyan armor. “Arugula,” said 6 year-old Zhaj as he smirked. Arugula smirked back at Zhaj, “I’m here to repay my defeat from the previous spar and take my place as the most powerful of Lord Frieza’s Genetically-Enhanced Super Saiyans…” Arugula said. “Give it your best shot…” Zhaj said grinning as the other genetically-enhanced saiyan kids looked on from the sideline; Ambrose, aged 5, Sevich, aged 6, and Sunchoke, a 7 year-old with a mane of fiery red hair whose saiyan armor was a shiny pitch black, and appeared like it was melting and oozing due to the hot energy radiating from his body. Frieza walked in with The Ginyu Force and looked down as he saw Zhaj and Arugula charge one another, clashing with Arugula kneeing Zhaj in the mouth, breaking his nose, and sent blood gushing over the metal wall as Zhaj fell back, and Arugula mounted Zhaj’s chest, repeatedly driving his fist into Zhaj’s broken nose, shattering his orbital lobe as Jeice and Burter winced. “How can those saiyan kids get punched so hard without dying!?” cried Goldo. “They are made to be genetically… better,” Dr. Zero said quite proud. Frieza saw Zhaj bite down on Arugula’s knuckles, but neither boy made a sound indicating pain as Zhaj rolled on top of Arugula, grabbed his forefinger and middle fingers and snapped them, making Arugula groan. “Impressive, three weeks and they’ve already matured to be six years old…” Frieza mused. “Accelerated aging is part of their biology, after all, you need a super saiyan killer six months from now, not 16 years from now, Lord Frieza,” Dr. Zero said. Frieza smirked and patted his cousin’s shoulder, “keep up the great work, doctor…” Frieza said, walking away as Jeice saw Zhaj proceed to pummel Arugula’s face in until it was un unrecognizable bloodied pulp of a mess. Jeice felt his lunch coming up, cupped his mouth and turned to throw up on Recoome’s feet. “Hey, my new boots, you got casserole chunks all over it!” moaned Recoome. “This… is barbaric, is they train like this, what’s the point? They’re killing each other,” Goldo said. Ginyu snarled as their men were showing fear in Lord Frieza’s presence at the display of saiyan children play fighting, genetically-enhanced or not. “They can only inflict this much damage to each other, no one else can hit them hard enough to damage them so,” Dr. Zero said smiling as Goldo trembled as Zhaj stood up, his face beginning to heal as he did, and he calmly walked back with a trail of blood dripping behind him. Zhaj took a seat next to Ambrose, Sevich and Sunchoke and his face was fully healed. Aurgula’s face had already healed as well as he sat up, and calmly walked back to Sunchoke and Zhade’s side. “Now that’s scary!” Jeice said running after Captain Ginyu and Frieza. ‘Shut up, Jeice!” cried Ginyu as he slapped him over the head. “OW, capin! They are, did you see what they could do!? And no one else can damage them but each other!” said Jeice while Recoome hopped on one foot wiping Jeice’s vomit off his boot. “Except Lord Frieza,” Burter said. Dr. Zero smirked, “not even Lord Frieza…” he whispered, and then blinked as he saw Zhaj, Ambrose, Sevich, Zhade, Arugula and Sunchoke looking back up at him coldly like they were staring through him, past him, an empty look in their black eyes.

48 hours later. Zhaj lay on the top bunk in the dormitory of Frieza Planet #79. “Frieza’s is going to destroy them,” Arugula said from the bottom bunk. Zhaj looked to the side, saw his twin sister Zhade fast asleep on her top bunk, and beneath her, Sevich was asleep too. “Who?” said Zhaj. “The saiyans… Frieza’s mother is discontent with Frieza showing affection to that female saiyan Ginyu Force member, Anise. So Queen Cold is destroying them, three hours from now. Only going to keep alive a few off world,” Arugula said. Zhaj looked at the digital clock; 3 AM. “I don’t care about the saiyans,” Zhaj said, and looked back up at the ceiling. “We’re just weapons to them, tools, Dr. Zero isn’t our father, Frieza isn’t our lord, we weren’t taken from our dying mother’s arms, we were made, right here, to kill strong saiyans,” Arugula said. “I know,” Zhaj said. Arugula arched an eyebrow, “you know?” Zhaj sighed, “I do…” he said, wagging his furry blue tail around in the dark, eyeing it. “That’s why we’ll use the chaos to kill them and take over The Frieza Force,” Zhaj said smirking. Arugula blinked, “chaos?” Zhaj smiled wickedly, “you’ll see…”

“My son will live!” cried Paragus as he flew through the stained glass window of King Vegeta’s palace, and flew towards the escape pods as Broly’s ship rocketed towards Vampa. “You bitch!” cried Bardock as he fired one final blast towards Queen Cold’s crimson Death Ball as Kakarot’s ship escaped the planet. Queen Cold cackled as the Death Ball swallowed Bardock, and descended into the planet, destroying its core. “My son… lives on…” Bardock whispered as he appeared to disintegrate in the energy. “KAKAROT!” cried Bardock as Fu looked on in the distance, smirked, and teleported Bardock out of the Death Ball, sparing his life. Frieza stood in the back of his ship embracing Anise, and wrapped his tail around her waist, “I’m sorry, I tried to talk my mother out of it…” Frieza whispered. In a lower level, in secret, Zarbon embraced a 4 year-old Veggie, saving her in secret as he peered through the window and saw Planet Vegeta blow up, killing every saiyan on it. “We just got word… Planet Vegeta has been destroyed,” a 6 year-old Kohl said to Articha with tears in his eyes as the exodus ship with him, Articha, kid Delita, Orinthia, Queen Violese, Sharotto, and the other survivors vanished in the darkness of space. “Great, now I’ll never be King Vegeta,” a 7 year-old Vegeta said looking at the sky as young Nappa and Raditz smirked.

“STOP!” cried Cui as Zhaj drove his fist into his face, shattering his nose, knocking him out as Arugula kicked Appule in the arm, shattering it, making the alien scream for mercy as Arugula kneed his jaw, breaking his mandible to silence him. “Call in The Ginyu Force, the genetically enhanced saiyans are taking over!” cried a soldier, reaching for a scouter when Sunchoke stomped on his head, crushing his cranium, and Sunchoke smirked as he saw the bits of brains pressing through the broken pieces of cranium. “Nice…” Ambrose said smirking at Sunchoke. “Don’t kill them, let them get the message through, we’re coming for you, Frieza, we’re killing you, Queen Cold, King Cold, Cooler, your whole stinking family, and this isn’t revenge for the saiyans you just killed,” Zhaj said approaching the control panel to get his message out. “This is the future, we’re the future. We’re not just better than the super saiyan you made us to kill… we’re better than you, too,” Zhaj said before his black eyes shone a metallic blue hue, causing all the screens in the monitor room of Planet Frieza #79. In the upper level, Dr. Zero cowered in a dark corner, “Lord Frieza… they’re rebelling…” Dr. Zero said. Frieza held onto Anise and scowled, “what is their power level?” Frieza said, and gasped as he heard the response. “I can’t destroy that… you have a fail-safe, don’t you doctor?” Frieza said. “Yes, Lord Frieza… but I will be marooned here with them…” Dr. Zero said. Frieza scoffed, “and?” Dr. Zero scowled, and clenched his fists, “…I’ll take care of, you’ll never have to be concerned with them ever again, Lord Frieza, they will be cryogenically frozen, a fate more certain than death, erased from memory, history. It was a pleasure serving you, Lord Frieza…” Dr. Zero said. “I wish I could say the same, cousin, but you failed me… oh well, at least there won’t be any saiyans left stronger than me, Vegeta, Nappa, and Raditz will be easy to control,” Frieza said, ending the transmission. Dr. Zero scowled, “you used me…” Dr. Zero said, but knew if Zhaj and the others found him, they’d kill him… the only way to live… would be shutting them down.

“Kakarot, Broly, and Vegeta, three saiyans whose fates are bound, the only survivors we know of,” kid Zhaj said as he accessed the surveillance footage of New Vegeta’s final moments and saw a saiyan called Bardock put his son in a pod, while the saiyan born with a power level of 10,000, Broly, was exiled against his father’s wishes. Meanwhile, Prince Vegeta was spared. “We’ll hunt the prince down, along with the low-class Kakarot, and the freak, Broly,” kid Ambrose said smirking. “The universe deserves better… we’re better,” Arugula said as Sunchoke smirked and Sevich folded his arms as he stood by Zhade. “You were like children to me…” Dr. Zero said before pressing the blue button in his belt, and Zhaj, Arugula, Sunchoke, Ambrose, Sevich and Zhade began feeling very cold as the temperature dropped abruptly to absolute zero, freezing the wing of their ship they were on which then detached from Frieza Planet #79, and rocketed off into space. Cooler watched from his ship with Salza and scowled, “maybe now you’ll stop trying to act like God, brother…” Cooler said feeling Zero, his beloved cousin’s energy fade in the ship which rocketed off towards the edge of the universe, near The Dark Planet to never be found again.

Except, 20 years later, they were found by Scar and Xenia. Genetically-enhanced saiyans, more powerful and dangerous than any to ever exist, a new step in the saiyan evolutionary chain, fully matured as 18 year-olds. Scar awoke Zhaj, and took him to Earth to destroy Vegeta to avenge the young prince for King Vegeta exiling him and Xenia. Yet Zhaj, now fully grown, would not allow himself to be used again. Zhaj rebelled once more, and nearly killed Scar, and even killed Trunks. Vegeta, Vegeta Jr., and Vegetarble were barely able to defeat Zhaj, but could not kill him. After Trunks was wished back, Bulma put Zhaj back in cryogenic stasis, yet she found a way to rehabilitate him, thinking he could be a powerful ally. She did so successfully, and Zhaj became mates with Videl’s sister, Edel, siring a son, Hercule Jr., while awakening his sister Zhade, Ambrose, and Sevich, teaching them to live peacefully among the new super saiyan.

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One thousand years ago, Planet Sadala.

The vast night sky lit up with a thousand suns as the earth split and the soil turned red with saiyan blood.

Civil war! Sadala is crumbling under attacks by the Evil Saiyan, Cunber. There are heroes on both sides. Evil is everywhere.

Two saiyans fly directly into the line of fire, one grown to adult size, and the other but a child, both armored in silver chest plates with golden shoulder straps, purple shorts, and blue undershirts and brown armbands, brown belts, and purple booties with grey soles. These were the original saiyan armors before they were conscripted by Frieza. The two saiyans, adult and youngling maneuver in unison past the many blasts, dodging flack and enemy fire; the older saiyan, Yamoshi, has spiky black hair with a single bang, and the young one, Samphire, has unruly long black hair. Yamoshi bounces through the flack with a frown as Samphire smiles and fires a blast into another blast coming Yamoshi’s way. “There isn’t a saiyan that can strike you out of the sky, master, and no other way to get to the others…” Yamoshi smirked back at young Samphire, saw two large blasts coming his way and gasped before forming a saiyan barrier large enough as he pulled ahead to shield himself and Samphire. The blasts bounce off Yamoshi’s saiyan barrier, sending him bouncing through the sky again before he catches himself in midair as Samphire catches up. Yamoshi powers up, powers through the wall of flame from his saiyan barrier and the blasts that collided with it, Samphire in tow as a giant aerial and ground battle is revealed with tiny saiyans on ground and air, blast one another in a synchronous lightshow of death. Yamoshi lets out a howl as Samphire flies past two enemy saiyans ahead, stops himself and phases out, and re-appears behind the two saiyans, blasting them in the back while Yamoshi leaps forth through the air to kick both in the face as he and Samphire fly through the debris to land on a platform of The Saiyan Temple. There, five other saiyans await them; four male, one female, very beautiful; Durian, Romanes, Citron, Pitaya, and Prince Plantain. Durian looked at Yamoshi and nodded, “we thought you were dead.” Yamoshi frowned at Durian and looked to Pitaya, “there are no others?” Prince Plantain stepped forth from the shadows, holding a baby in his arms, “Cunber has corrupted everyone, or killed them.” Durian nodded, “even Nori, the legend is true, the battle is lost.” Romanes snarled, and folded his arms over his chest. “The planet… is lost,” Prince Plantain said feeling the entire temple shake, and looked to the horizon as Nori, now a golden great ape, rampaged, destroying everything in his path.

“We’re dead…?” Samphire said. Citron looked at the boy and back to Yamoshi, “who’s he? We have no room for children.” Yamoshi glared at Citron, “he’s my pupil, and he proved unfazed by Cunber’s evil.” Durian blinked in surprise, “you encountered Cunber, and lived?” Samphire smiled proudly. “What’s the plan, then?” Yamoshi said. “Escape, but it won’t be easy, we’ve only one ship, and Cunber won’t let us leave so easily… he’ll destroy our ship out of the sky, assuming Nori destroying the planet doesn’t kill us.” Yamoshi narrowed his eyes, “we need at least Pitaya, Prince Plantain, and young Prince Vegeta to escape…” Yamoshi said looking at the baby in Plantain’s arms. “So you’re saying the rest of us stay behind and fight to the death?” Citron said smirking. “That’s suicide no matter what… we’re gnats,” Durian said. “Not if we awaken the power, of the Super Saiyan God…” Yamoshi said. “That superstition?” snarled Citron. “Isn’t it a superstition…?” Romanes said. “It’s real…” Yamoshi said, powering up into a super saiyan God, making them gasp. “So you can defeat Cunber all on your own,” Durian said smiling at Yamoshi. “No, I can’t, the power is fleeting, and Nori and Cunber are too much even for me, but I can buy you all time to escape… begin again on another planet, the saiyan race, do better, don’t succumb to evil as Cunber did…” Yamoshi said, “Do the ritual, become super saiyan God yourselves, keep the saiyan race in peace.” Samphire frowned, “master, you’re not coming with us?” Yamoshi smiled down at Samphire, and placed a hand on his shoulder, “no, Samphire, my journey ends here… carry on my legacy, my pupil, do good,” he said placing an arm around Samphire’s head, and cradled it against his chest as a tear ran down Samphire’s cheeks. Yamoshi then chopped the back of Samphire’s neck, making him gasp before he collapsed unconscious on the floor. “Take the boy…” Yamoshi said. Durian nodded, picked up young Samphire and looked Yamoshi in the eyes before following Prince Plantain and Plantain towards the ships. “I can help you…” Romanes said, looking Yamoshi in the eyes. Yamoshi looked Romanes back dead in the eyes, knew he was a super saiyan, but that his power was unstable, and needed training to control or he’d become like Nori. “Help them…” Yamoshi said. Romanes stepped back, and followed Durian, Pitaya and Prince Plantain. Citron snarled and was the last to head to the ship.

Yamoshi took a deep breath, turned to the edge of the Saiyan Temple, and saw three bright white auras soaring towards him as Planet Sadala crumbled around them. The three saiyans landed before Yamoshi, and the middle one, Cunber, saw Yamoshi’s red hair, slim form and snarled, “FIGHT ME!” Yamoshi saw Giblet and Stroganuv were with Cunber, and narrowed his eyes, “to the death…” said Yamoshi.

“Your death maybe, red-haired saiyan!” screamed Cunber, powering up “Your death too… Nori’s power is going to blow up the entire planet, and kill you with it,” Yamoshi said smirking. Stroganuv and Giblet looked frightened by Yamoshi’s prophecy as Cunber snarled and fired several red blasts towards Yamoshi who maneuvered around them. Underground beneath the saiyan temple, Prince Plantain boarded one of the last two ships with his infant son, Pitaya, Romanes, Citron, Durian and the young unconscious Samphire. Before the ship took off, Citron blasted the last ship, and looked to a skeptical Durian. “So Cunber can’t escape…” Citron said. Back on the temple surface, Yamoshi fended off attacks from Cunber, Giblet, and Stroganuv before his super saiyan God power waned, his red fiery hair flickering black and Stroganuv connected with a kick to the back of his neck before Giblet kicked him in the sternum, making Yamoshi bleed from the mouth, and Cunber finally kicked him in the head, and sent Yamoshi crashing through the Saiyan Tower platform, and into a ravine below, face first in the mud. Yamoshi smirked, and then heard a ship, looked skyward as the last remaining ship rocketed towards salvation. “Destroy it!” snarled Cunber. Stroganuv flew into the clouds after the ship when Yamoshi suddenly emerged to block his path, wreathed in flames, and screamed before kicking Stroganuv out of the sky, sending him crashing towards the planet below. Yampshi smiled as he saw his friends’ ship leave Sadala’s atmosphere, and felt the last of the super saiyan God’s power leave him before he looked down, and saw a giant red ball of death approaching him; Cunber’s most powerful attack. Yamoshi closed his eyes and smiled as Cunber’s blast disintegrated him. Nori roared, and his power erupted in a dome, shattering Sadala’s core as Prince Plantain’s ship escaped into the vastness of space with Planet Sadala exploding behind them.

“It’s over…” Romanes said in his seat. Prince Plantain smiled as young prince Vegeta squeezed his index finger. “No, this is a new beginning…” Plantain said smirking.


Broly saw Bulla and Goggie entering the waiting room after an exciting fight, and looked at 18, "can you beat them?" Vid Lens smiled as the crowd clapped for Bulla and Goggie after an exciting, and evenly fought match. "Let's give it up for the ladies, everyone, Bulla Briefs has advanced and will face Jewel in the second round! Now, the next match is a rematch from a previous Junior Division tournament match up! Former world champ, Hercule Jr. taking on Draco! They do share a distant relation as Draco is the son of Appel, the granddaughter of Videl, and Hercule Jr. of course, is Videl's nephew!" said Vid Lens as the crowd cheered. "I'm up!" Hercule Jr. said fixing his finger-less gloves as Gabriel arched an eyebrow. Hercule Jr. made his way down to the ring as Draco followed. Draco hopped up into the ring, and stared across the ring to Hercule Jr. "Last time we fought, you almost died... I'll hold back this time," Hercule Jr. said smirking. Draco narrowed his eyes, his mouth hidden behind his face mask and said nothing. "All right, begin!" cried Vid Lens. Hercule Jr. phased out and charged Draco, driving his fist towards his face. Draco side-stepped Hercule Jr., and responded with a kick into his sternum, making him gasp and double over. Draco screamed and raised an elbow, but Hercule Jr. quickly recovered and punched Draco under the jaw, sending him flying halfway across the ring. Draco landed on one knee and clutched his jaw as Hercule Jr. cracked his neck and smirked. "You've improved... then again, you were never a weakling, I'm just genetically... better," Hercule Jr. said grinning. Pinich saw his older brother's arrogance and shook his head.


Draco continued to stare down Hercule Jr. as a saiyan tail unfurled from the back flap of his white, black-trimmed and gold-button jacket. Hercule Jr. saw the tail and arched an eyebrow, "you grew your tail out? What for, so I could cut it off?" Hercule Jr. said smirking. Draco remained silent, clenched his fists and powered up into a super saiyan before firing a large blast of golden energy towards Hercule Jr. Hercule Jr. seemed taken aback by the power behind it and extended his hands to stop it. He cried out as it clashed with his hands, tearing away his black finger-less gloves, and tearing into his blue muscle tank top and black pants as he managed to push the blast skyward after a great struggle that left him panting--that could have defeated any normal fighter who didn't have DNA like him and his dad! Hercule Jr. gasped as Draco appeared before him, and uppercut him under the jaw before his re-generative blood healed his hands and burns, knocking Hercule Jr. into the sky. Draco leapt forth to punch kick Hercule Jr. in the stomach, knocking him towards the outside of the ring as the crowd gasped, and got on the edges of their seats. Hercule Jr. clenched his fists, and powered up into a super saiyan, turning his curly black hair spiked golden and his eyes teal as the energy blew Draco back into the ring. Draco landed on one knee, and narrowed his eyes as he looked up and saw Hercule Jr. staring him down with his fists clenched.


"You've gotten really good, I haven't seen you in years, I didn't know you could go super saiyan..." Hercule Jr. said smirking. Draco got up, and then looked up at Hercule Jr. silently. "What, aren't you going to say something, or are you a mute now?" Hercule Jr. said arching an eyebrow. Draco said nothing. "You're boring, you used to be cool when we were kids... but super saiyan or not, you're facing a former champ, I beat Broly and Goku in the same tournament to become the world champ and I'm genetically-superior, you can't beat me," Hercule Jr. said smirking. Kale grinned and looked at Broly, "remember that?" Broly looked annoyed and said nothing. "Wow, that's true dad!?' Gohan said looking at Goku who folded his arms and pouted. "I'll finish you now... with my best technique!" cried Hercule Jr., landing in the ring, and charged Draco like a runaway train, focusing all of his power into his fist. "Super Dynamic Mess Em Up Punch!" cried Hercule Jr., driving his fist towards Draco's face as Draco's eyes widened. Draco raised his arms to block Hercule junior's punch, but Hercule Jr. stopped it inches from hitting Draco, and unleashed a powerful wave of white energy onto Draco that hit him full force, making the entire ring and arena shake. "What power..." Seventeen said watching Hercule Jr. but Draco stood his ground, even as the energy tore his white jacket and black undershirt to pieces until his chest was bare, badly burned and wounded. As the bright light died down, the crowd gasped as it saw Draco standing in just his pants, boots, and his tattered scarf and face mask. Hercule junior's eyes nearly bugged out the way his grandfather's would when scared. "You're still standing after taking my Super Dynamic Mess Em Up...?" Hercule Jr. said. Draco slowly removed his face mask, and then his tattered scarf, and tossed them into the wind, staring down his second cousin. Vid Lens fixed his shades, and gasped as he saw a tattoo of a monkey thrusting its fist into the sky appearing on Draco's now exposed back. "Wow, what looks like the tattoo of a monkey has appeared on Draco's back!" crid Vid Lens. A bright golden cosmos suddenly exploded around Draco's body, lighting up Hercule junior's teal eyes. "What kind of power is this!?" cried Hercule Jr. "This is my father's technique..." Draco said clenching his fist.


18 years ago, Draco sat with Dohko in front of a waterfall when he was still a boy after losing in the Junior Division to Hercule Jr. Draco sat quietly watching the flow of the waterfall and Dohko smiled, tipping his straw hat up to look at his son. "Just because you lost, doesn't mean it is the end of the jounrey. You can learn more in defeat, then in victory..." Dohko said. Draco frowned and looked at his father, "I never had a chance. You heard him, he's genetically-superior, he was born better, stronger, and faster. We're both super saiyans, so he has an edge, I can't beat him, ever, no matter how much I train," Draco said picking up a rock, and chucked it into the waterfall. Dohko smirked, "the tallest mountain to climb, is never the easiest. Life is a journey Draco, not a destination," Dohko said. Draco blinked, "so I can beat him one day...?" Dohko shook his head, "I cannot see the future, but you will never know if you stop training. Even if you one day beat Hercule Jr. after many years of training hard, there will always be someone stronger than you, better than you, but you should never stop being the best you can be," Dohko said smiling down at his son. "I just care about beating Hercule Jr. father, that is my obstacle, how can I...? Tell me what to do, and I'll do it," Draco said. "I want you to kick that waterfall until you reverse the flow," Dohko said. Draco gasped, "make the water go up!? That's impossible!" Dohko laughed, "is it!? Good! Because if beating Hercule Jr. is impossible to you, then if you can ever manage to make the waterfall flow skyward, that means you'll have attained the power to beat Hercule Jr.!" Dohko said walking back into the house laughing. Draco gasped, and looked up at the waterfall. He used his KI, and floated before the waterfall, kicking the water repeatedly. Appel was inside setting down bowls of steamed rice and smirked at her husband, "you shouldn't tease him... you know that's impossible," she said, her tail swaying freely. Dohko arched an eyebrow, fixed his hair and sat down, picking up his chopsticks, "it's not impossible. I can do it!" he said picking up his rice bowl, and started eating. Appel shook her head and sat down to join him, letting Draco come in to eat when he wished--calling him now would be in vain. Lunch went by, and Draco never came back in, spending the whole afternoon kicking the waterfall until the cicadas started to sing, and the sun set behind the mountain peaks. After Dohko lit the lanterns on the porch as night came, he saw Appel floating up to Draco as he weakly kicked the waterfall with tears flowing down his cheek until he felt his mother's arms embrace him from behind to keep him from falling down into the bottom of the waterfall as he was too weak to even keep himself afloat. "It's impossible... dad is making fun of me," Draco said wiping his tears away. Appel sighed, not knowing what to say as Dohko watched them, resting on the doorframe. The next morning, Draco sat down to eat breakfast and picked up his spoon to eat his cereal as Appel poured him a glass of fresh orange juice. "Are you training again today?" Appel said smiling. "No way, dad's not fooling me again!" Draco said scowling, and stuffed a spoonful of honey bunches and strawberry oats into his mouth, and then blinked as he looked outside, and saw his father standing before the waterfall shirtless, in just a pair of dark pants. A golden cosmos surrounded Dohko's body, and the tattoo of a tiger's head appeared on his back. "Draco, watch, nothing is impossible..." Dohko said smirking back at Appel and Draco, balled up his fist and screamed as he lunged forth into the waterfall.


"Rozan Shō Ryū Ha!" cried Draco in the present, kicking upward, his leg like a crescent dragon striking Hercule Jr. across the face while unleashing a magestic energy wave in the form of a rising dragon that battered Hercule Jr. into the center of the ring, knocking him out cold in the middle of a crater. Draco panted, and slowly set his boot down as the crowd stood in shock, and Vid Lens admistered the ten count after re-composing himself. "Ten! The winner by knockout... is Draco!" cried Vid Lens.

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